Cardboard Boxes Persepective
This was our second project in Drawing I. After setting up a major source of light and stacking boxes, we were asked to sit in different parts of the room around the boxes and draw them as realistically as possible.
This project seemed easy enough at first as boxes mostly consist of straight (or straight-ish) lines. But because our professor thought that would make things too easy, he did slightly bash up a few of them to give some dimension. The arrow in the upper right corner illustrates the direction of the main light source (it was slightly behind my view of the boxes).
This was another first for me as other than things with completely straight lines, I hadn't really experimented with perspective and shading just yet, especially not in a sense of realism as was requested for this project. I think I could do better now that I learned a few more things in the class, but at the time that I finished, I was actually very pleased with my final outcome.