Letterform Visual Representation - "Joy"
For this project, we were given a randomly assigned verb to use letters or parts of letters in some kind(s) of fonts. From these, we needed to find a way to visualize our verb.
I had been given the verb "Joy" which everyone else who got it asked to swap, so I was the only one who presented with this word. To help get the feeling correctly, one of the fonts we were allowed to use was Zapfino. After trying out a number of different ideas, this was the only one that actually seemed to give the right feeling behind it.
This was the image created first, as we wanted to make sure the design would work without color.

This is the final color rendering of the project. I had tried a few different color combinations, but this was the one that made me happiest, so it seemed like a good choice to represent "joy."
I ended up using these colors for a number of reasons, but the main one being that they remind me of spring. Spring is the time for new beginnings and is usually a good representation of "joy." I also thought it looked like a sunrise or a sunset in a way, and those have always been moments that have made me happy as well. It made sense that other people would feel the same way.