Object Perspecetive - Can & Styrofoam Cup
This project from my Drawing I class was to set up a metal soda can and styrofoam cup in any way desired and then draw it with an accurate perspective.
To be honest, I found this as a real challenge as until this point, I had never attempted to draw anything overly realistic as it seemed so difficult and unobtainable for the skills I thought I possessed. As shadows and highlights had to be accurate, I decided to go with directional shading to more accurately express the set up I created for my objects. This also helped match the "shininess" of the can to make it seem more realistic, at least to me.
We didn't necessarily have to color around the paper on which we set up our objects, but I thought it might help add a little more dimension and understanding to how it was set.
I hadn't noticed it until critique, but my can is slightly longer than a normal can should be and my cup is slightly more rounded at the bottom than it should have been, but overall, for my first attempt at drawing true realism, I feel I did a pretty decent job and was really proud of my final presentation. It helped me realize with patience and understanding, I was actually much better with drawing than I had led myself to believe over the years which has only increased my love and desire to continue in the art field.