Sea Level Rise in Hampton Roads Infographic
This was an infographic made for Virginia SeaGrant/Virginia Institute of Marine Science during my internship with them over the Fall of 2015 and Spring of 2016 to promote their Hampton Roads Forum hosted to discuss businesses' and cities' reactions to the probable sea level rise in Hampton Roads.
I was hired to be the Graphics Design intern at the Virginia SeaGrant/Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) in the fall of 2015 to help create possibly two infographics for them. While the infographics were pushed to be completed later after the design of a PowerPoint template for the company, this project was begun at the end of the Fall term into the beginning of the Spring term.
Working with my supervisor, Janet, we pieced together the information that we wanted to include in the infographic. First, explaining sea level rise and it's impact on Hampton Roads and working it's way towards the Forum information.
Along with the information for the infographic, I also had to stay within the branding guidelines for VA SeaGrant/VIMS. The colors used are the approved colors for the brand, the approved fonts, and the bubble texture that was created for branding purposes. The wave at the bottom was a variation of their wave logo that I was asked to create when making the PowerPoint template.
All of the graphics were created by me. I used some reference pictures, but were otherwise my own Illustrator-made creations.