Trompe L'oeil
This was a very taxing but ultimately very rewarding project from Fundamentals of Design.
We looked at a number of different trompe l'oeil artists and were tasked with creating a piece that was mostly black and white but we could use sparse colors if we felt it would add to the piece instead of detracting from it.
This is a scene of an agenda I had along with my wallet and a random drawing card thrown on the floor of my parents' kitchen. The kitchen floor is all slate tiles, so I tried to mostly focus on the texture of the tiles instead of the actual color design of them. Due to the extreme need of perfectionism I have flowing through my veins, my wallet was probably the most difficult part of this piece to get where I wanted it and able to stop adjusting it.
The journal was difficult as well, just not to the same level as I felt the wallet had. As the wallet seemed slightly more organic in shape, the journal was easier in that I could use my ruler for aspects of it. But due to the fact that it had to be a recreation of something already printed, that added another level of difficulty and a wave of perfectionism. I was commended on my use of the blue border for the cover of the journal, though. As well as the purple in the ticket and the red in the playing card.
My professor said that my use of color was just right and didn't overload but only helped with the realism of the piece, which made me feel really proud of my choices.
To make the playing card a little less flat, I decided to bust it up a little bit and bend some of it to not make it look like I just randomly threw in a fake bit of flooring that looked like a playing card. It seemed to give it more dynamic and I thought it made the piece rather interesting.
Overall, this is the piece I'm the most proud of during my Fundamentals of Design class as it was my most successful and fulfilling piece that I created. If I get the time, I would like to try more pieces like this on my own. Because of work and other classes, I stayed up from the time I got home from class one night until I had to leave for class the next day to finish this piece and I'd like to be able to be more relaxed about the situation.